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After consolidating the Goodfish-Kirana property land package (4,368 ha) and compiling previous work, Warrior Gold (now KLDC) conducted a series of geophysical surveys (LiDAR, airborne magnetic/VLF EM, ground IP and ground magnetics) to highlight structural corridors in areas of historical mineralization. Targeting work identified more than 19 prospective areas.  Exploration is currently focused on the Goodfish patents, targeting the Jo Zone (formerly A Zone) and the Mel Zone (formerly C Zone) . Since 2018, Warrior Gold (now KLDC) has drilled 13,731 m (60 diamond drill holes) in six drilling campaigns and intersected anomalous or high-grade gold in nearly 88% of the holes drilled. Details on these drill programs below.

FALL 2021

The program focused on the Jo Zone (Formerly A zone) (8 drill holes, 2,838 m) with the objective to drill-test the extension of the Jo Zone at depth and along strike. 


Program Highlights:

  • Drilling on the west side of the Jo Zone has extended mineralization 100 metres down dip and confirmed the continuity of a high-grade trend and integrity of the geology model.  The Jo Zone remains open to the west and at depth.

  • Drill holes GK21-049 and GK21-050 intersected high-grade gold in addition to visible gold in the quartz veins immediately to the north of the Jo Zone in the hanging wall of the structure.



The program focused on the Jo Zone (11 drill holes, 2,866 m) and Mel Zone (Formerly C zone) (one hole, 180 m), for a total of 12 diamond drill holes and a 40-metre extension to GK20-032 (totalling 3,066 m).


Program Highlights:

  • The continued intersection of significant gold in the Jo Zone and Mel Zone

  • Jo Zone structure was extended an additional 300 m for a total strike length of 650 m

  • Mineralization at Jo Zone remains open at depth

JULY 2020

Program Highlights:

  • Nine-hole diamond drilling program (2,895 m) including seven drill holes at the Jo Zone (2,448 m), two drill holes at the Mel Zone (447 m).

  • Mineralization at the Jo Zone has been extended 50 m to the east, 100 m to the west, and 100 m down-dip confirming the continuity of the geological structure and the integrity of the geological model. The zone remains open in all directions.  

  • GK20-028 intersected new high-grade, north-south trending quartz-carbonate veining that returned    6.7 g/t Au over 7.4 m (within 1.22 g/t Au over 74 m, with visible gold (“VG”)); Jo Zone NS-FW.

  • New orientation for the Mel Zone mineralization confirmed.


Gold was intersected in nine of ten drill holes, expanding the extent of known gold mineralization. In addition, new high-grade intervals south of the Jo Zone have been discovered. Selected highlighted assay results from the Fall 2019 drill program are provided in the press release


Program Highlights:

  • Jo Zone diamond drilling program of 10 drill holes (2,106 m) at Goodfish-Kirana project.

  • Mineralized zone has been extended 100 m to the east, extended 50 m to the west and remains open in both directions and at depth.

  • Drilling intersected new high grades in a subparallel shear zone in the footwall at shallow depth.

  • Continuity of geological structure and model confirmed.

  • Gold was intersected in nine of ten drill holes, expanding the extent of known gold mineralization. In addition, new high-grade intervals south of the Jo Zone have been discovered. Selected highlighted assay results from the Fall 2019 drill program are provided in the table below.

MARCH 2019

Program Highlights:

  • Diamond drilling program of 15 drill holes (2,218 m) at the Jo and Mel Zones.

  • Numerous significant gold assays obtained.

  • Repetition of historical high-grade assays achieved.

  • Confirmation of geological model.

The drilling program was designed to validate the historic drill results, to gain an understanding of the mineralization controls as well as to test strike length and the depth of mineralization. 


Program Highlights:

  • Diamond drilling program of 5 holes (610 m).

  • All holes intersected mineralization which is, in general, structurally associated with the contacts of Quartz Feldspar Porphyry dykes that are sheared. For the most part, the mineralization is associated with pyrite which is indicated by IP anomalies.

  • The Goodfish Jo Zone/ Goodfish 1934 Mine returned the most interesting values of 1.20 g/t Au over 10.53 m in a halo of 0.87 g/t Au over 16.0 m.

The structurally orientated drilling program was designed to test three of the four structural zones identified by previous work. These holes were designed to verify and interpret the structure, lithology and pathfinder elements of the following gold-bearing zones on the Goodfish property




Exploration and mining work dates back to the early 1900s when high-grade gold was first discovered on the Goodfish-Kirana property by trenching efforts and exploration and shafts. The Kirana Kirkland Mine, last worked in the late 1930s, included grades of between 30 g/t and 145 g/t gold. The Goodfish patents are host to two mine shafts (1930s) that were developed to 300 and 600 ft respectively with a total of 1000 ft of lateral workings. The Northern Miner reported in 1938 that a half rail car of ore grading 1.25 oz/ton was mined from the Goodfish underground working and taken to Cobalt for processing.


Exploration was conducted intermittently by a variety of companies over localized parts of the property from the 1930s until 2008. This included prospecting, ground geophysics (magnetics, Induced Polarization, and VLF/EM), airborne geophysical surveys, and approximately 30,000 m of diamond drilling. Significant historical drill intersections include 12.65 m @ 16.97 g/t Au in hole GF90-04; 0.61 m @ 234 g/t Au in hole ML96-3; and 0.61 m @ 99.42 g/t Au in 1941 hole #2.

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