
Kirkland Lake Discoveries Corp. (KLDC) has assembled a large and prospective district scale land package (~38,000 ha) near the town of Kirkland Lake, Ontario, Canada.​
The properties are hosted in the Abitibi Greenstone Belt, one of the most metal-endowed greenstone belts in the world, with +200 million ounces of gold produced to date, of which +47 million ounces have been produced in the Kirkland Lake Gold Camp.​
KLDC’s exploration properties include the 100%-owned Lucky Strike (11,506 ha), and the Goodfish-Kirana property (4,368 ha); in addition to the optioned KLW (~14,956 ha), KLC (KLC+Arnold) (5,566 ha).
The properties host major regional mineralized structural trends, numerous multi-ounce gold showings, as well as past producing gold and copper mines, in addition to anomalous copper, silver, and other critical and precious metals occurrences. Previous fragmented ownership of this district scale land package has meant that the ground has never been subjected to systematic investigation using modern exploration methods.
Regional Geology and Setting
The Kirkland Lake Discoveries Corp. (KLDC) properties are hosted within the mafic volcanic-dominated Blake River Group. The Blake River Group lies in contact to the north of the Timiskaming clastic sedimentary calc alkalic intrusive package that is host to the prolific gold mining history of the Kirkland Lake camp. Structure is integral to the historic and current gold mines of Kirkland Lake. All Properties belonging to KLDC host structural deformation zones related to the infamous Larder Lake-Cadillac Deformation Zone (LLCDZ). The LLCDZ is a deep-seated crustal scale structural zone that stretches 250 km from Matachewan, Ontario to Val d’Or, Quebec and has produced nearly 100 million ounces of gold. Stretching over 53 km long north of the LLCDZ, the KLDC Property package is well positioned geologically and structurally to host a Tier 1 gold deposit.

All Properties
Mineral Occurrences | Gold, Silver, Copper, and Diamonds |
Ownership | 100% Kirkland Lake Discoveries Corp. (after three option payments ($20,000 June 2023, $25,000 December 2023 and $25,000 June 2024) |
Stage | Advanced and Early Greenfields Exploration |
Area | ~38,000 ha |
Location | Kirkland Lake, Ontario, Canada |
Past Exploration and Scientific Work
Lucky Strike
MERC* Transect – across the Mulven and Misema Lake Faults
Walsh Mine – past producing copper mine
Regional Till Survey on part on the property
Historical drilling by New Found Gold: 22,052m
Significant Historical:
Canper (1986) = 1,615m,
Wallbridge (2009) = 998m
Ateba (2010-2012) = 13,411m
NFG Drilling: (2021-2022): 4,080m (17 holes)
18 pits/shafts with underground workings, numerous high-grade gold anomalies including visible gold
Recent Drilling
13,731 m / 60 diamond drill holes
Drill Highlights at Jo Zone - Goodfish
155.00 g/t Au over 0.75 m; 17.38 g/t Au over 2.25 m ; 72.1 g/t Au and 561 g/t Au over 0.5 m
Abitibi Greenstone Belt
Kirkland Lake Discoveries Corp. properties are hosted in the Abitibi Greenstone Belt, one of the most metal endowed greenstone belts in the world. Although the belt is most famous for its gold production, over 200 million ounces of gold to date, base metal mines in the region have produced ~400 million ounces of silver, 15 billion tons of copper and 35 billion tons of zinc. Approximately 47 million ounces have been produced in the Kirkland Lake gold camp. Older and new deposits are continuously being discovered and redefined with a combination of fieldwork and new exploration technologies.

Kirkland Lake, Ontario, Canada
The town of Kirkland Lake was built on the gold mining industry - the first recorded gold occurrence was recorded in the late 1800’s by Chief Ignace Tonené of the Temagami First Nation. Claims along the Main Break were staked in 1911 and first production is recorded in 1914 – the Tough-Oakes mine. Since then, over 47 million ounces of gold (~ $94 billion in 2023 figures) has been mined from the Kirkland Lake Gold Camp.
Kirkland Lake and the region’s long history of exploration and mining are home to generations of skilled workforces that specialize in the exploration and mining industry.
The town of Kirkland Lake has a population of roughly 8,000 people with excellent infrastructure, including;
A skilled work-force;
Year-round access via all-weather gravel roads and bush roads;
Water is abundant in the region;
Power lines on part of the property;
Ontario Government Resident Geologist Field Office present in Kirkland Lake.
The company has a field office – a 10-minute drive from downtown Kirkland Lake.